• Be brave, be strong. And let the practice change your world.

  • The method is simple: practice every day for many years.

  • GODISNOWHERE! (shh, now here or nowhere?)

  • Practice and all is coming.

  • Do your practice everyday. You will love your practice and it's going to be a part of you.

  • The most important thing in your life is to be happy.

  • covfefe

  • we thought we could change this world
    with words like "love" and "freedom"
    we were part of the lonely crowd
    inside the sad cafe

  • when you get caught b/w the Moon and NY City
    the best thing you can do is fall in love

  • Capitalists behave like capitalists wherever they are. They pursue the expansion of value through exploitation without regard to the social consequences.

  • Capital creates space-time.
  • Obedience, respect for authority - just another name for controlling people. The truth is obedience and respect should not be automatic. They should be earned. They should be based on the parent's performance. Parent's performance. Some parents deserve respect. Most of them don't, period.
  • I fear not the man who has practiced 10, 000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10, 000 times.
  • The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
  • My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.

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